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Our Pastor


{Church Name} Adventist Church is a church with a vision to reach and lead our community to Jesus Christ. We know that the love of Jesus is the greatest gift we could possibly share with anyone. The Christian life is one of fulfillment and joy that offers peace and meaning in the midst of this chaotic and very troubled world. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, it would be our great honor to introduce you to Him. Reaching our community for Jesus is only part of our mission. We believe it is our privilege and responsibility to help grow and mature believers as they walk in the Christian life. We offer opportunities to grow thru Bible study, discipleship, worship, ministry, fellowship and evangelism. If you are new to the area and are looking for a church to attend or if you have lived in the area for many years, we would love to have you come visit us.

When you visit {Church Name} you will find a smile, a handshake, and a friendly welcome from people genuinely concerned about you. I look forward to meeting you!


Pastor Ugene Gawain